Smile Makeovers in Mayfield, OH

Smile Design
in Mayfield Heights

We believe that a beautiful smile goes beyond just your teeth. It's a balance of your facial features, expressions, and personality. That's why we offer a comprehensive facial analysis called Smile Design — a personalized approach to enhance your unique smile.

What is Smile Design?

Smile Design is a detailed process that evaluates and plans the ideal aesthetics and function of your smile. This analysis goes beyond traditional dental assessments to consider various factors, including the alignment, shape, color, and size of your teeth, as well as how they fit within the overall context of your face and personality. With this data, we can customize procedures to match your unique facial structure, skin tone, and even your personal style. The goal is to create a smile that is not only healthy and functional, but also aesthetically pleasing and in alignment with your overall appearance.

Many patients ask us if their new teeth will look unnatural, like chiclets, or resemble a celebrity's overly artificial crowns. We understand these concerns and want to assure you that our approach to smile design is anything but one-size-fits-all. By leveraging detailed analyses and considering each individual's unique features, we're dedicated to delivering restorations that look and feel natural.

Did you know…

tooth icon

Studies show that a confident smile can significantly impact first impressions and self-esteem.

Source: National Library of Medicine

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schedule your appointment?

Highly Trained

Dr. Stuetzer is dedicated to providing stunning and long-lasting results for your smile. With years of experience in cosmetic dentistry, as well as extensive post-graduate training in all aspects of cosmetic procedures, Dr. Stuetzer is committed to delivering exceptional care and ensuring that you achieve the smile of your dreams.

Whole-Health Focused

We understand that oral health is closely linked to overall well-being, so we consider factors beyond just the appearance of your teeth. Our treatments are designed to improve not only the aesthetics but also the functionality and health of your smile, ensuring a holistic and long-lasting result.

Cutting-Edge Tech

Blending our cutting-edge technology with conventional principles such as Facially Generated Treatment Planning, we're able to deliver the best possible results. This advanced technique allows us to assess the proper size and proportions of your teeth, ensuring a harmonious and natural-looking smile. By incorporating the latest technological advancements, we can provide precise and personalized treatments that cater to your unique needs.

The Benefits of Smile Design

Enhanced Facial Aesthetics

Through Smile Design, we accentuate the natural beauty of your face, creating a harmonious balance between your smile and facial features.

Improved Oral Health

Aligning your teeth correctly can lead to better oral hygiene and reduced risk of dental problems.

Boosted Self-Confidence

A beautiful, natural-looking smile can significantly boost your self-esteem and confidence in social and professional settings.

The Smile Design Treatment Process

Initial Consultation

Your journey to a new smile begins with a comprehensive consultation. Here, we discuss your aesthetic goals, conduct a thorough examination of your teeth and gums, and assess your overall facial structure. This step is crucial for understanding your unique needs and goals. It sets the stage for a truly tailored treatment plan.

Customized Planning

After the initial assessment, we use advanced imaging techniques to visualize and plan your new smile. This involves detailed planning of each aspect of your treatment, from tooth color and shape to alignment and spacing. Our goal is to ensure that your new smile harmoniously aligns with your facial features.

Treatment Begins

The transformation process is a series of carefully planned procedures, which may include teeth whitening, veneers, orthodontics, or other dental treatments. Each step is executed with precision and care. We regularly review the progress to make sure your smile is shaping up exactly as planned, making adjustments as necessary for the perfect outcome.

Ongoing Care

From start to finish, Dr. Stuetzer is with you every step of the way. You will not "fall through the cracks" under her care. She will be available to talk over any questions or address any concerns at any point during the process. When working with specialists, she maintains close communication to ensure treatments unfold seamlessly. Dr. Stuetzer's dedication to your treatment goes beyond the norm, providing a level of accessibility and personalized follow-up rare in today’s healthcare landscape.

Before & Afters

A smile is worth 1,000 words.

See real patient success stories.
Smile DesignCosmetic Dentistry

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out these frequently asked questions, or call us to speak with our team.
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