Emergency Dentist in Mayfield Heights, OH

Emergency Dentistry
in Mayfield Heights

You don’t have to put off getting the dental care you need in an emergency. Contact our team right away to save your smile! Not sure if your situation qualifies as a dental emergency? Keep reading to find out.

Do I need emergency dental care?

Don't let a dental emergency ruin your smile! Knowing when to seek immediate care can be tricky, but persistent pain or an injury to your mouth or teeth are clear signs that you need to see a dentist right away. If you're experiencing unexplained pain or if something has fallen out of your mouth, it's crucial to take action. Don't wait - give us a call and our team will assess your situation and provide guidance on self-care until you can get the professional help you need. Your smile is worth it!

Did you know…

tooth icon

If you lose a tooth, place it in cold milk while you head to your emergency appointment. Source: Mayo Clinic

Ready to
schedule your appointment?

Digital X-Rays & Imaging

Better diagnostics means better results. With modern imaging techniques, we can quickly and accurately assess your dental emergency, and create a treatment plan right away, so you can relieve your dental pain and get back to your life.

Problem-Focused Exams

When issues arise, our team can perform problem-focused exams (also known as limited exams) to help address the issues. Limited exams allow us to focus on what’s hurting or injured so we can get you out of pain and back to normal again.

Same-Day Care

During a dental emergency, everything can happen so fast. If you can’t get to a phone, or just need to get help right away, you can walk right into our office and get the immediate care you deserve.

We Collaborate With Specialists

We partner with top specialists within our community, offering you a seamless, multidisciplinary approach to dental care. This collaboration ensures you receive the highest standard of treatment.

The Benefits of Emergency Dentistry

Say Goodbye to Pain

There’s no need to let pain hold you back any longer. Discover effective solutions to relieve your pain and regain control of your life.

Reclaim Your Confident Smile

Don't let dental issues keep you from smiling with confidence. Restore your bite and transform your smile with our expert dental services.

Stop Complications in Their Tracks

Leaving dental emergencies alone can escalate them into more serious problems. Take proactive steps now to prevent further complications and safeguard your oral health.

What do I do in a Dental Emergency?

Keep Calm & Reduce Bleeding

Any dental mishap can transform a routine day into a stressful, discomforting ordeal. But remember, it's essential to remain calm - your dentist is here to assist you. Simply inhaling deeply and evaluating the situation can significantly improve your decision-making during an emergency. If any bleeding occurs due to your dental injury, use a sterile strip of gauze to apply pressure on the affected area. Hold the gauze in position until the bleeding ceases, or until you get to our office.

Control Swelling & Pain

If you break a tooth or a tooth gets knocked out, you can manage the pain and swelling by applying a cold compress to the cheek or lip near the affected area. If you can, try to find and keep any pieces of the tooth or crown that come off. Remember, if you experience severe symptoms, like difficulty swallowing or breathing, it's crucial to call 911 immediately.

Call Us Right Away

Once you've gotten a handle on your dental emergency, give us a call right away. Even if you're not certain whether your situation is an emergency, our team is here to help evaluate the injury's seriousness and get you into our office for the necessary care as soon as possible. If you call our office after hours, you will be directed to an emergency line.

Before & Afters

A smile is worth 1,000 words.

See real patient success stories.
Emergency DentistryPreventive Dentistry

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out these frequently asked questions, or call us to speak with our team.

What should I do if I’ve knocked out a tooth?

If you've accidentally knocked out a tooth, it's important to act quickly to increase the chances of saving it. First, carefully pick up the tooth by the top (crown) and avoid touching the root. Rinse it gently with warm water to remove any debris, being careful not to scrub or rub it. If possible, try to place the tooth back into its socket without forcing it. If it doesn't go back in easily, store it in a container of cold milk and contact us immediately for guidance and to ensure we are prepared for your visit. Time is of the essence, as the tooth needs to be replaced and splinted within 1-2 hours to avoid further damage.

What should I do if my dental work has fallen out?

If any of your dental work, such as a filling or crown, has fallen out, it's important to take action promptly. Place the dental work in a plastic bag or container and bring it with you to our office. Call us right away to schedule an emergency visit so we can address the issue as soon as possible. Even though it's not a natural tooth, losing dental work can expose vulnerable parts of your mouth to bacteria, leading to infection, decay, or other complications. Don't delay in getting in touch with us to ensure your smile is restored with restorative dental work.

What should I do about a severe toothache?

If you're experiencing a severe toothache, it could indicate a tooth infection, which requires immediate attention. Contact us without delay to schedule an appointment. In the meantime, you can manage the pain by applying a cold compress to your cheek, taking over-the-counter pain medication, or using a topical product like Orajel to numb the gums. However, it's crucial to seek professional dental care to address the underlying cause of the toothache and prevent further complications. Root canal therapy may be necessary to save the tooth.

What should I do about a chipped, broken or cracked tooth?

If you have a chipped, broken, or cracked tooth, it's essential to seek professional dental care as soon as possible. Avoid chewing on this area until you can be seen to prevent further damage. Without a thorough examination, it's difficult to determine the severity of the damage. Leaving such issues untreated can lead to infections and additional complications that could have been prevented. Contact us immediately to schedule an appointment and allow us to assess the extent of the damage. We will provide guidance and recommendations on how to restore and protect your smile, as well as alleviate any dental pain you may be experiencing.

What should I do about a loose tooth?

If you have a loose tooth due to a dental injury, it's crucial to contact us right away to schedule a same-day appointment. Leaving a loose tooth untreated can result in the nerves supporting the tooth dying, leading to its loss. To maintain stability, avoid touching the loose tooth with your tongue or fingers. When you arrive at our office for emergency care, your dentist will attach the loose tooth to the adjacent teeth with a stabilizing splint. This splint will provide support and initiate the healing process, allowing the tooth to reattach itself to your gums. Don't hesitate to reach out for our help – we are here to assist you in preserving your tooth.

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